Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finally found my sweet potatoes!

I just got in from digging my sweet potatoes. They were buried under the weeds, and I confess, I neglect my sweet potatoes every year. They are hardy plants and vigorous growers and tend to need to be weeded in the height of the summer months when the weeds are at their best (or worst). They are a pain to weed, you have to move the plants around, weed and then move them back again. I weeded them once or twice at the beginning of the summer. I peeked at them a month ago and thought that I better let them grow a little longer, since they were carrot size. With all this rain we got...they sure did grow! I started digging them up and wow was it a muddy mess. They were easy to pull out of the ground and the kids had fun finding some worm friends.

This was the first time we have grown this variety of sweet potatoes, they are called "Panama Reds". Usually we grow "Bouregards", but couldn't find any this year, so we went with what they had at the local garden center. They have a beautiful deep red skin and the insides are a nice orange/red color.

Well, I think all the outside garden is officially ready to turn in for the fall. I found some winter squashes hiding in the spent corn stalks and had already picked our butternut squash a month ago, which was probably a month too soon.

We have set our sights on the greenhouse for the last month. We started some flats lettuce, pac choi, broccoli, and kale. We also direct seeded some beds of lettuce and arugula. We are a couple of weeks ahead of where we were last year. Hopefully we will be harvesting lettuce sooner than we did last year, too. Last year we harvested lettuce in the beginning of December....if the sun would stay out we might beat that date.

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